Danish experts to present latest e-book at ECCP webinar on cluster digitalisation
There will be a chance to hear from two Danish experts about their latest publication when the ECCP stages its next cluster capacity building webinar on 28 October (10.30-12.30 CET).
Kaspar Nielsen and Charlotte Lysgaard, of Cluster Excellence Denmark, have jointly written the e-book ‘Digitalisation of Cluster Services and Activities - Rethinking the Power of Innovation’, which they will present at the webinar – also entitled ‘Digitalisation of Cluster Services and Activities’.
“The distancing rules and travel restrictions of the COVID-19 crisis have set off the largest digital experiment in history – and the Danish clusters are helping to catalyse the transition,” said Mr Nielsen.
“In this e-book we focus on how Danish clusters are rethinking and digitalising the power of innovation,” added Ms Lysgaard. “Through 14 cases we take a deep dive into the engine room of Danish cluster organisations and see how rapidly clusters have gone digital.
“We are looking forward to presenting it in-depth to the European cluster community at the ECCP capacity building webinar on cluster digitalisation."
You can download and read the free e-book here ahead of the webinar.
Attendees will also hear from Ásta Kristín Sigurjónsdóttir, of the Iceland Tourism Cluster, about rethinking cluster services, and the Managing Director of Cluster IDiA, Antonio Novo Guerrero, who will share tips and tricks from a digital cluster.
From turning services digital and choosing which technologies to use and how to master them, to how to overcome the challenges fostered by the new way of working; the webinar will offer inspiration to clusters to step up their own moves towards digitalisation.
The audience will also have the chance to contribute via a moderated Q&A session and panel discussion.
You can find out more and register here.