Danube region: workshop "How to increase the value of the EUSDR to businesses?" - Register by 24 August
Cluster organisations and other business support organisations from the Dabune region are invited to a workshop of Danube Region Business Support Actors from 1-2 September 2016 in the city of Baden bei Wien. The aim of the workshop is to explore ways to increase the value of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) to businesses. The workshop is co-organised by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs and the European Commission.
The objective of this highly interactive workshop is to reinforce the tangible impact of the business dimension of the Danube region strategy and program as well as the applicable cross border co-operation programs. This should be achieved by
- elaborating the specific business context of the EUSDR and the applicable INTERREG Programs;
- identifying good practice measures which have shown practical impact;
- shaping and kick-starting concrete actions to be taken by the actors in the aftermath of the workshop;
- launching a networking platform
An important dimension of the workshop will be the networking between partners and the establishment of profiles catalogue based on past and future activities of the organisations involved in the Danube region business context.
Find more information regarding the event and register online before 24 August at: www.bmeia.gv.at/danube-business-actors. And for further information contact: abtiii3 [at] bmeia.gv.at (abtiii3[at]bmeia[dot]gv[dot]at)