Designing new business models for clusters in 2021
On 17 March, around 190 participants attended our capacity-building webinar on ‘Designing new cluster business models capacity building’. The webinar focussed on peer-to-peer learning about how clusters can improve their business models to better handle the challenges of the Covid-19 crisis.
‘Designing new cluster business models’ was the first ECCP capacity-building event of the 2021 edition, following from the four webinars in 2020. Benoit Esmanne (DG GROW, European Commission) kicked off the session referring to the newly-published Recommendation Report by the European Expert Group on Clusters which contains recommendations to inspire clusters on how to lead the green and digital transitions whilst building resilience.
There were then presentations from three speakers, starting by Nicolai Sederberg Rottbøll (Quercus Group), who provided methodological guidance to develop a business model for a cluster. Then, the webinar featured two case studies from clusters, with Dr. Jamie Meehan (IDEAM cluster), describing how his cluster developed its business model, and Evija Pudāne (Cleantech Latvia), who explained how her cluster adapted its business model since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Along with expert presentations, the webinar included lively break-out sessions which allowed participants to exchange experiences in smaller groups and learn from each other. We learnt a lot about designing cluster business models and how clusters are finding solutions to the challenges of Covid-19.
You can find the presentation and recording here. If you have not registered at ECCP, create or update your profile to have access to the webinar materials.