Digitising and transforming European industry and services: Digital Innovation Hubs and platforms
Call ID: H2020-DT-2018-2020
Focus area: Digitising and transforming European industry and services (DT)
Type of action: IA Innovation action
Deadline: 02 April 2019 17:00:00 Brussels time
Work programme year: H2020-2018-2020
Smart Anything Everywhere DT-ICT-01-2019 -allocated budget for 2019: 48.000.000 EUR
Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 -allocated budget for 2019: 45.000.000 EUR
Big data solutions for energy DT-ICT-11-2019 -allocated budget for 2019: 30.000.000 EUR
"Smart anything everywhere" stands for the next wave of products that integrate digital technology. The challenge is to accelerate the design, development and uptake of advanced digital technologies by European industry - especially SMEs and mid-caps - in products that include innovative electronic components, software and systems, and especially in sectors where digital technologies are underexploited.
As Phase 3 of Smart Anything Everywhere, this sub-topic calls for Digital Innovation Hubs that strengthen European SMEs and mid-caps by experimenting and testing with one or more of the following technologies, or by supporting them to manufacture these products. Projects should also support eco-system building for promising platforms developed in earlier R&I products.
- Area 1: Cyber-physical and embedded systems: the goal is to help businesses from any sector uplift the quality and performance of their products and services by including (semi)-autonomy, paying special attention to security and privacy and to the collaboration between humans and machines.
- Area 2: Customised low energy computing powering CPS and the IoT: the goal is to help businesses who are developing products for situations where high computing capacity and low energy would be a competitive advantage.
- Area 3: Flexible and Wearable Electronics: the goal is to help businesses in further maturing, innovating and validating their products with thin, organic and large area electronics technologies, including wearable, portable and embedded objects. Focus is on i) access to design, technology and prototyping which are ready to use, and ii) application experiments driven by concrete user requirements and business cases.
- Area 4: Widening Digital Innovation Hubs: it addresses all three technology areas mentioned above and the technologies addressed in I4MS. It calls for Digital Innovation Hubs in industrial regions which are so far underrepresented in Smart Anything Everywhere and I4MS and builds upon a mentoring programme developed by I4MS. These hubs should strongly collaborate with other Innovation Actions funded under SAE and I4MS, e.g. through joint highly innovative cross-border experiments.
Expected Impact:
Proposals should address all of the following impact criteria, providing metrics to measure success when appropriate.
- Attract a significant number of new users of advanced ICT in the manufacturing sector, and more innovative technology suppliers, in particular SMEs and mid-caps.
- Creation of a sustainable network of Digital Innovation Hubs, providing European added value to investments done at national and regional level in Digital Innovation Hubs.
- Availability of Digital Innovation Hub services across Europe and its regions with strong industrial capacities
Please find more details on the call conditions and documents here.