Digitising European Industry: opportunities for growth via automation, robotics and digitalisation
ERRIN is pleased to announce that registrations are now open for the workshop on “Digitizing European Industry: opportunities for growth via automation, robotics and digitalization” which will take place on 14th June from 12:00 to 17:30 at the Microsoft Centre (Rue Montoyer 51, Brussels).
The workshop will focus on elements of the Digitizing European Industry (DEI) strategy of the EC and take-up measures which are aimed at deploying not only the necessary technologies, but also deployment of regional initiatives such as Digital innovation Hubs (DIH) to support the global competitiveness of European industries. In particular, case studies will illustrate how DIH are platforms that develop and facilitate access to pilots in real or near real operating environments, relevant to specific focus application areas (FAA).
The second part of the workshop will be dedicated to networking discussions of participating regions with regard to main topics that we expect to play a major role in the future work program of Horizon2020. This gives the opportunity for an early match making of possible partners but also for a mapping of regional competences and cooperation opportunities.
In order to organise the thematic tables as effectively as possible, and thus to maximise your experience during the second part of the workshop, ERRIN is carrying out a preparatory survey. Please fill it in and tell us more about your region’s competencies and interests! To complete the questionnaire, click here.
If you want to know more about the event and would like to register, click here.