DREAM focus on target countries: tips and tricks to make business overseas
More than 100 people connected to the cycle of meetings dedicated to overseas markets Japan Canada and the USA to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs in advanced manufacturing!
These three countries are of high interest for European SMEs in advanced manufacturing as they are strong players in the global market.
Indeed, Japan is one of the most advanced and largest economies in the world and has a large and highly advanced manufacturing sector supported by the Japanese government.
Canada, has a strong Advanced manufacturing industry, a world-leading education system and a leading global position in several key enabling technologies (sensors, machine vision, automation, AI, etc.). Canada presents unique export opportunities thanks to the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the supportive local policies.
And the National Strategy for Advanced Manufacturing of United States was release with the objective to grow the economy, create jobs, address climate change, enhance environmental sustainability and strengthen supply chains in the sector.
Understanding their market situation, the peculiarities of their manufacturing sector, the supportive policies, the trade and economic relationship and the cultural differences is key to successfully export there.
The initiative referred to one of the 6 axes Euroclusters’ activities to reinforce European digital ecosystem applied to manufacturing, namely GO INTERNATIONAL To boost access to global supply and value chains.
The workshops were held 2 days and in very agile online sessions this was the structure of each meeting:
- Introduction: DREAM in a nutshell
- The manufacturing sector in that country (Japan, Canada, USA)
- How to best do business in that country
- Success story
- Questions & answers
- Other initiatives which offer internationalisation support
- Closing remarks
The meetings were also an occasion for companies to pitch their projects funded by DREAM.
Download the projected materials to explore the opportunities
Watch the recording of the workshops (links youtube)
- JAPAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxr6fcahVZ4
- CANADA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCMljCGScWc
- USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuBcr_Tr-PI
Download all the materials here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wMwHcWMbuNgpMKQZPG8Y9Dj_P4-UTLg…;
You also have the chance organise short follow up meetings of 20 minutes with our country expert and/or our GAC internationalisation support team to discuss about your specific internationalisation project and provide you personalised advice and guidance. If you are interested, please send an email to Marc Pattinson (mpattinson [at] group-gac.com (mpattinson[at]group-gac[dot]com)).