EIT RawMaterials Start-up and SME Booster Call 2019

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 10 June 2019

The call is open througout the year with deadlines: 15 March / 14 june / 20 September.

The EIT RawMaterials “Start-up & SME Booster Program” is one of the EIT RawMaterials funding instruments dedicated to supporting third parties’ activities, such as business creation by idea holders and growth support by start-ups and SMEs. The program provides financial support of up to a maximum amount of EUR 60,000.to start-ups and SMEs to develop innovative products/services that can produce an impact in the raw materials sector or benefit our partners, as well as access to EIT RawMaterials partner network to support scaling up.

EIT RawMaterials, initiated and funded by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology), a body of the European Union, is the largest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide, that aims to significantly enhance innovation in the raw materials sector by sharing knowledge, facilitating matchmaking activities, developing innovative technologies and supporting business creation.

Please find more details on the application procedure and the call documents here.

The call was published on EIT RawMaterials website here. Copyright © 2019 EIT RawMaterials

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