ELBE EUROCLUSTER info sessions about the Innovation Collaborative Challenges
As part of the Financial Support To Innovation (FSTI) of ELBE EUROCLUSTER, which remains open until 30 September 2023, 05:00 pm CET, the ELBE Alliance clusters have organised different online info sessios with some of the Challenge Owners in which they have provided more detailed information about their Innovation Collaborative Challenges.
Ocean Winds has presented its challenge twice. The first was on 14 June in Belgium and was attended by 7 participants. The second was organised in Poland on 24 August. In this case, there were 21 attendees.
Orsted was another Challenge Owner who participated in these info sessions. On 16 August, they presented their challenge to 11 attendees from Poland, Denmark and Belgium.
The last webinar, hosted by the Basque Energy Cluster together with Iberdrola and Navantia Seanergies, took place on 11 September. Both companies had the opportunity to present their challenges and answered all the questions of the attendees. On this occasion, more than 40 companies attended the online briefing.