"ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020" – New extention for the first call for submitting proposals until 24 January 2018

Submitted by Codruta Marginean on 06 December 2017

Deadline : 24 January 2018

The Joint Monitoring Committee has decided to extend for the second time the deadline of the call for standard projects until 24 January 2018  in order to give more time for the conclusion of all Financing Agreements.

The "ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020" is a multilateral cross-border cooperation programme co-financed by the European Union under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI).
The Programme  provides the  framework for the  implementation of    cross-border cooperation activities in the context of the European  Neighbourhood Policy, complementing efforts exerted within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, with the final aim of developing an area of peace, stability, prosperity and good neighbourliness involving EU Mediterranean Countries (EUMC) and Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs).

Over € 209 million have been granted by the European Union to the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme for the period 2014-2020. This makes the Programme the largest one from a financial point of view out of 16 other programmes to be implemented with Partner Countries to the East and South of EU’s external borders.

Please note that this call for proposals is launched under suspension clause. Partners located in Mediterranean Partner Countries eligible territories may apply for ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme funding but can only receive Programme funds if their respective country has signed a Financing Agreement with the European Commission within the deadline of the call.

Please find more details on the programme as well as on the call here .

Proposals shall be submitted only through the online application form

Please visit  also our previous information regarding this call for proposal.

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