EPICENTRE Project | Innovation: Not Just a Buzzword - Empowering Growth and Collaboration

Submitted by Joan Puate Puy on 27 June 2023


On June 26th, the online training session "Innovation: Not Just a Buzzword" took place as part of the EPICENTRE project. Organized by Clúster Digital de Catalunya and WORSLEY Acceleration Services, this training is a significant step forward in our collaborative efforts within the Epicentre Eurocluster project.

Marc Milian and Albert Rivero facilitated the session, which aimed to explore the drivers and obstacles in fostering innovation and forging strategic alliances to boost internationalization.
The 1.5-hour interactive webinar delved into the 5Ws and 2Hs that stimulate growth and success in any business venture: WHAT, WHY, WHERE, WHEN, WHO, and the essential HOWs.
During the training, led by the esteemed speaker, Dr. Iolanda Marchueta, a Senior Advisor and Professor, the attendees examined the factors that ignite innovation and identified common barriers. Emphasizing the significance of embracing internationalization and collaboration, Dr. Marchueta highlighted key success factors and pitfalls to avoid in pursuing innovative and international ventures.
With a wealth of experience in leading cross-functional teams and successful product launches worldwide, Dr. Marchueta's expertise added immense value to the session. The "Innovation: Not Just a Buzzword" training was a stepping stone toward creating a culture of innovation and collaboration within the consortium, propelling their projects to new heights in the global business landscape.

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