The Erasmus+ programme Call for Proposal EACEA/10/2018

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 17 April 2018

Key action 3: Support for policy reform

Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education, training and youth

(2018/C 106/08)

The submission deadline is: 22 May 2018 — 13.00 (Brussels time).

This call for proposals will support transnational cooperation projects in the fields of education, training and youth. With a total budget of  EUR 14 000 000, the call comprises two lots, one for education and training (Lot 1) - with  budget of EUR 12 000 000 and one for youth (Lot 2) with a budget of EUR 2 000 000.

General objectives:

Projects submitted under this call under both lots should aim at:

1. Disseminating and/or scaling up good practices on inclusive education/youth environments and/or on promoting common values, initiated in particular at local level. In the context of the present call, scaling up means replicating good practice on a wider scale/transferring it to a different context or implementing it at a higher/systemic level; or

2. Developing and implementing innovative methods and practices to foster inclusive education/youth environments and promote common values in specific contexts.

Specific objectives: 


  •  enhancing the acquisition of social and civic competences, fostering knowledge, understanding and ownership of common values and fundamental rights,
  • promoting inclusive education and training and fostering the education of disadvantaged learners, including through supporting teachers, educators and leaders of educational institutions in dealing with diversity and reinforcing socioeconomic diversity in the learning environment,
  • enhancing critical thinking and media literacy among learners, parents and educational staff,
  • supporting the inclusion of newly arrived migrants in good quality education, including by assessing knowledge and validating prior learning, 
  • fostering digital skills and competences of digitally excluded groups (including older people, migrants and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds) though partnerships between schools, business and the non-formal sector, including public libraries,
  • promoting European values, cultural heritage and heritage-related skills, common history, intercultural dialogue and social inclusion through education, non-formal and lifelong learning, in line with the objectives of the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage.


  •  promoting civic participation of young people by developing the role of volunteering for social inclusion,
  • preventing marginalisation and radicalisation leading to violent extremism of young people.

The financial contribution from the EU cannot exceed 80 % of the total eligible project costs. The maximum grant per project will be EUR 500 000.

The Agency reserves the right not to distribute all the funds available.

Each application must address one general objective and one of the specific objectives, which are listed separately for Lot 1 and for Lot 2. Both the general and specific objectives of the call are exhaustive: proposals that do not address them will not be considered.

Please find more information on the Call EACEA/10/2018 available from the following website: (Call reference EACEA/10/2018).

Email contact: EACEA-Policy-Support [at] (EACEA-Policy-Support[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)


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