The establishment of SkyPort

Submitted by Karolina Sękulska on 09 February 2024

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The new educational facility is the result of collaboration between

  • the Vocational Training Center in Katowice (the project leader),
  • the Silesian Aviation Cluster (the business partner), and
  • the Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering (the scientific partner).

The project realizes the concept of Centers of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs). The project agreement was signed in July 2023, marking one of the milestones within the framework of the National Reconstruction Plan.

The Vocational Skills Center SkyPort in the field of airport and terminal operations will be open to students, teachers and airport workers, facilitating the acquisition or supplementation of knowledge, skills, and professional qualifications, or even career transitions to areas related to airport and terminal operations. Particular support will be provided to individuals working or studying in technical fields such as airport operational services or airport and terminal operations.

The participants will be developing skills in handling airport equipment, simulating airport operations, drone operation, specialized robotics, as well as logistics and warehouse management software.

The project entails the creation of new workshops and laboratories, covering areas such as aviation robotics, photogrammetry, remote sensing, crisis management, ground handling training, airport operational services, operations and warehousing, and drone operations. The Vocational Training Center in Katowice, as the leading educational entity for children, youth, and adults, understands the importance of a professional staff.

Skyport means expertise, experience, and an unconventional approach to teaching. The teaching staff includes teachers from the Aviation Technical High School in Katowice, lecturers from the Silesian University of Technology, and professionals from the aviation and robotics industries.

The first training sessions have already begun. SkyPort offers training in modelling, simulation, and optimization of systems in the aviation industry, training in the principles of movement within the airport operational area, airport safety management systems, and first aid.

The establishment of SkyPort is an investment into the future of education and the aviation industry which will contribute to the skills development of young enthusiasts and enhance the potential of the Silesian region in the field of airport and terminal operations.

Cluster organisation
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