Estonian Health Tech Week: Navigating the Future of Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Submitted by Triin Vakker on 30 January 2024


The first ever Estonian Health Tech Week, held from August 21st to 25th, marked a significant milestone, drawing participants from 19 countries to delve into the current state and future perspectives of innovation, technology, and digital transformation in healthcare. The week unfolded with insightful hospital visits, offering an in-depth understanding of healthcare processes and challenges. Sessions in Tartu emphasized the intersection of life sciences and health technologies, focusing on biotech companies and the pivotal role of the Estonian Biobank.

The event showcased Estonia's e-healthcare landscape, emphasizing data flow, reimbursement models, and patient pathways. A seminar at Tehnopol Science and Business Park provided a comprehensive understanding of healthcare information systems and reimbursement. The week culminated in the DTx New Nordics conference, where industry experts discussed the indispensable role of digital therapeutics in the future of healthcare. Noteworthy discussions included the potential of healthcare innovations, the importance of clinical validation, and the need for a shift toward prevention rather than treatment.

The conference also addressed challenges in the healthcare innovation sphere, emphasizing collaboration between startups, innovators, and healthcare institutions. Concrete steps were identified to address gaps in the DTx pathway, offering potential applications for the entire New Nordics region.

The week concluded with the International Gene Forum, providing a platform for high-level scientific discussions on genetics and genomics in precision medicine. The event explored genetics' role in various areas, including pharmacology, personalized medicine, microbiome studies, mental health, and emerging technologies.

This comprehensive coverage highlights how the Estonian Health Tech Week served as a pivotal forum for global collaboration, knowledge exchange, and strategic discussions, shaping the trajectory of digital transformation in healthcare.

The next Estonian Health Tech Week will take place from 26-30 August 2024.
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