The European Commission (EC) will organise the EU – Canada Matchmaking Event in the context of the ALL IN Event which will be held on 11-12 September 2024.
The EU – Canada Matchmaking Event itself will take place on-site in Montreal, Canada 10-12 September 2024.
The event will be jointly organised by the European Commission through the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), in collaboration with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Government of Canada, Scale AI, and Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).
The EU – Canada Matchmaking Event will bring together cluster organisations and SMEs from the European Union (EU), non-EU countries participating in the Single Market Programme/COSME Strand and Canada. It will provide participants an excellent chance to promote Cluster to Cluster (C2C), Cluster to Business (C2B), and Business to Business (B2B) collaborations.
- Strengthening EU-Canada cluster cooperation for the benefit of their members, including a seminar, a cluster matchmaking event, and site visits.
- Identifying potential areas of common interest for cooperation and synergies, in terms of the sectoral, value chain, and market focus of their SMEs and other companies.
- Improving, through clusters, the EU-Canada industry and academia-industry collaboration in research, development, and innovation. For its members, the clusters will identify possible areas of RDI collaboration (academia, research organisations, industries…).
Agenda and Activities
The EU – Canada Matchmaking Event will include the following activities:
- Inspirational Webinar – a pre-event Webinar where all attendees received more information about the overall concept of the EU-Canada Matchmaking Event and why to attend (6 June 2024). Recording and used materials could be found below.
- Technical Webinar – a session helping future participants of the matchmaking event to make the most of their profiling in the B2Match tool and explain the procedures to optimise the booking of meetings. (date tbc)
- Site visits (10 September 2024)
- Seminar on knowledge exchange to foster EU- Canada cooperation. (10 September 2024)
- Pitching and Matchmaking meetings between cluster organisations and SMEs from EU (and non-EU countries participating in SMP/COSME Strand) countries and Canada Countries. (10 September 2024)
- Debriefing session to collect feedback and testimonials from cluster participants. (10 September 2024)
- Participation at the ALL IN Event – 11 – 12 September 2024
Focus areas
- Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced manufacturing
- Digital Technology
- Quantum Technology
Inspirational Webinar the EU-Canada Matchmaking Event - 6 June 2024
An inspirational Webinar, themed Explore EU-Canada Matchmaking Event: Forge Cooperation in Technology was held on 6 June 2024. The presentation from the webinar is available here.
Call for Expression of Interest
This Calls for Expression of Interest is targeting cluster organisations and small and medium-sized enterprises from EU (and non-EU countries participating in the Single Market Programme (SMP)/COSME Strand) countries who wish to participate are now open.
Expressions of interest to participate in this event submitted electronically by 28 May (Tuesday) 2024, 23:59 Brussels time (first cut-off date) are successfully received and currently under evaluation.
Expressions of interest to participate in this event must be submitted electronically by 18 June (Tuesday) 2024, 23:59 Brussels time (second cut-off date).
📕Call for Expression of Interest - SMEs deadline 20 August 2024 – apply now
Late applications could be accepted for participation, if eligibility criteria are fulfilled and costs are
borne by the participants. Late applications are accepted until 20 August (Tuesday) 2024, 23:59 Brussels
time at the latest
Looking back at past missions to Canada
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) organised the EU-Canada Cluster Matchmaking Event in 2019 in cooperation with the Canadian Superclusters initiative in Toronto, Canada. The overall objective of the event was to foster collaboration between European and Canadian clusters for the benefit of their SME members. This event was designed as a follow-up of the High-Level Cluster Event organised in April 2019 at the Hannover fair, where cooperation between European and Canadian clusters have been initiated.
The highlight of the event took place on 6th of June 2019 with the signing of an administrative arrangement between Canada and the EU to facilitate trans-Atlantic cluster collaboration. The signature was witnessed by Elżbieta Bieńkowska, EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Enterprises and the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development. Under the arrangement, cluster organisations and firms in the European Union will have more opportunities to form strategic business partnerships and linkages notably with Canada’s five innovation superclusters. The matchmaking sessions allowed for fruitful exchanges between European and Canadian delegates and over 100 meetings were scheduled on the afternoon of the event between European and Canadian counterparts.
The main EU delegation was composed of some 27 clusters along with some companies covering 16 European countries from the EU and countries participating in the COSME programme (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Ukraine) along with several representatives of the five Canadian Superclusters (Protein Industries, Ocean Industries, Digital Technology, Advanced Manufacturing and SCALE.AI) and a dozen other Canadian clusters, chambers and business networks and local economic development agencies. A total of almost 100 attended the morning session of the event. Read more information here.