EU-Japan Collaboration on the Internet of Things: Webinar on 31 January 2017

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 06 January 2017

The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is organising a webinar "EU-JAPAN collaborative projects on internet of things and smart cities: ClouT, FESTIVAL and BIGCLOUT" on 31 January 2017 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM CET. The webinar will present 3 of the projects that have been accepted to get funding from the European and Japanese authorities. The objective is to present the project results, pilot deployments and overall the software that can be reusable by the IoT community (SMEs, large industry, researchers, etc.). It will further focus on the question: How to benefit from EU-Japan joint cooperation programmes in the ICT sector? 

The webinar is targeted to any EU and Japan companies seeking to reuse the results of those projects which are mostly provided as open software. The cluster community is invited to disseminate the information to its members. 

Registration deadline: 30/01/2017

More information and registration:  

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