EU Sustainable Energy Week call for sessions opens in April
The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is a two-month-long series of activities across Europe, which takes place in September and October, promoting secure, clean, and efficient energy.
It brings together policymakers, stakeholders and citizens to achieve climate and energy goals for the Energy Union. Launched in 2006, EUSEW is organised by the European Commission (the Directorate-General for Energy and the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises).
The call for sessions for the EUSEW 2021 will open on April 13!
Once again, the policy conference will be organised in a digital format, under the theme ‘Towards 2030: Reshaping the European Energy System’.
Sessions organised by the European Commission and energy stakeholders will focus on sustainable energy issues, and debate around new policy developments, best practices, and sustainable energy ideas. Alongside the conference, networking opportunities will gather the EUSEW community online to forge alliances, whilst the EUSEW Awards will celebrate outstanding individuals, projects, and ideas.
The digital conference will take place online between 25 and 29 October and registration will launch in September.
If your work supports an economy built on clean, secure, efficient energy, then this event is for you. The EU Sustainable Energy Week is an opportunity to meet stakeholders promoting energy efficiency and renewable energies, learn about successful policies, and inspire innovation to meet the EU’s energy and climate goals.
Keep an eye on this link to find out more about the call for sessions.