EU-Western Balkans Cluster Policy Learning and Matchmaking Event in Zagreb
Following the establishment of long-term partnerships of the European Commission with the Western Balkans, PwC organises in close collaboration with the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, an EU-Western Balkans Cluster Policy Learning and Matchmaking Event on November 22 and November 23 in Zagreb, Croatia.
The EU-Western Balkans cluster policy and matchmaking event is set up to support clusters as networking support organisations especially for SMEs, in their mission to open up new markets, to collaborate on cross-sectorial level and provide first relevant contacts to their members. The event represents a unique opportunity for European and Western Balkan clusters to explore common areas of interest for cooperation and build complementarities in terms of sectoral, value chain and market focus.
The Cluster Policy Learning and Matchmaking Event is expected to gather representatives of up to 60 cluster organisations from Western Balkan countries, the European Union and other COSME participating countries.
Application process is open:
For selected participants the attendance of the Cluster Policy Learning and Matchmaking Event is free of charge and travel and accommodation costs are covered.
Find more details on the event and application criteria in the “expression of interest”.
Find the application form at:
The application process will be open until the 14th of September 2018.
For any questions, please address the organisers at PwC,
WesternBalkans-Clusters [at] (WesternBalkans-Clusters[at]lu[dot]pwc[dot]com)
Please join our Twitter at @cluster_EU for the ECCP event updates and #EUClusterWesternBalkans to follow this event.