European Commission: Survey on innovation support for SMEs

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 15 April 2020

The European Commission has launched a survey on the effectiveness of public innovation support for SMEs in Europe. The survey is addressed to enterprises (especially small and medium sized enterprises - SMEs) and providers of innovation support to SMEs (including institutional stakeholders, business organisations, etc.) operating in Europe, EFTA countries and Horizon 2020 associated countries. The main objective is to collect fresh information on:

  • The main factors hampering innovation in SMEs, particularly in view of recent technological and market developments;
  • Forms of innovation support received over the last three years;
  • The level of satisfaction with the existing support for innovation;
  • Gaps in innovation support and suggestions for improvement.

The ultimate goal is to inform the European Commission on how to make public innovation support for SMEs more effective and efficient. The results will be anonymised and presented at aggregate level only in a report for the European Commission due by December 2020.

We invite the European industrial clusters to share the information about this survey and mobilize their SME members to respond to it.

Please find more information here

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