EuroTransBio: The 12th transnational call for proposals

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 17 January 2017

EuroTransBio (ETB) is a network of national/regional funding agencies which coordinate their efforts to launch annual calls for R&D&I projects in the area of modern biotechnology. The network started off as an ERA-NET initiative in 2004 and was supported by the European Commission in FP6 and FP7. From 2014, ETB has become one of the first initiatives to operate in a self sustainable way i.e. without further funding for coordination and networking (ETB international funding initiative).

ETB is organizing annual joint calls for innovative near to the market R&D&I projects in all fields of modern biotechnology (health, agro/food, industrial biotech, environment, marine/aquatic solutions). Consortia have to be coordinated by an SME, include at least 2 enterprises from two different countries participating in ETB, and may include additional partners from research organizations.

The following countries / regions participate in the 12th ETB Call:

  • Austria
  • Flanders (Belgium)
  • Finland
  • Grand Est - regions Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne and Lorraine (France)
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Russia

The deadline for submitting proposals is the 31st of January, 2017

For more information on the call please visit the dedicated page

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