Extended deadline for EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission in ICT to Singapore and Thailand: open to clusters!

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 12 March 2018

3 European cluster managers have the opportunity to participate in the EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission in Information & Communication Technologies to Singapore and Thailand, from 25-30 June 2018.

Once selected by the European Commission, European cluster managers will travel to Singapore, where they will have the opportunity to showcase their products and technologies to an audience of potential business partners at NXTAsia, part of ConnecTechAsia. They will then travel to Thailand where they will benefit from pre-arranged business-to-business meetings.

EU Gateway | Business Avenues team will provide companies with one-to-one coaching before the business mission, business matchmaking, and guidance through country specific regulations.

The 3 selected cluster managers will benefit from the programme prepared by EU Gateway | Business Avenues. Travel and accommodation will be at their own costs.

Who can apply?

  • The representative of a cluster organisation already registered in the European Cluster Collaboration Platform
  • With activities/interest in Asia
  • Providing internationalisation services to their SME clients
  • Relevance of subsectors/products
  • Ready to join the EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission for the full week of 25-30 June 2018

Interested? Please fill in the application form attached here and submit it by 28 March 2018, 12h Brussels time, at the latest to contact [at] clustercollaboration.eu (contact[at]clustercollaboration[dot]eu) .

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