Fourth European Cluster Observatory newsletter is now available!

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 22 February 2017

The fourth newsletter of the European Cluster Observatoryy was issued on February 22nd, 2017 and is now available online. With a special focus on 'European Cluster Conference 2016: Shaping Smart Industries' which is extensively pictured, the newsletter offers an overview of the exciting developments cluster policies have known during 2016, such as the launch of the Smart Guide to Cluster Policy and the creation of closer ties between clusters and the implementation of smart specialisation strategies.

In the foreword, Mr. Michael Catinat, Head of Unit for Clusters, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship at the European Commission’s Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Directorate-General, reiterated the new phase of European actions to support the design of modern cluster policies across the EU, which new phase includes the renewal of the Cluster Excellence policy with a new call to be launched at the end of 2017 and two new calls in early 2017 for supporting European Strategic Cluster Partnerships. By encouraging such partnerships for Going International, not only international cluster policy dimension will be extended but also cluster partnerships will be sustained in boosting smart specialisation investments within the EU, both supported by the activities of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.

Please read the entire Newsletter in the attached document. 

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Newsletter ECO2 issue 4.pdf 2.69 MB
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