France Clusters publishes its Mapster 2018

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 05 February 2018

France Clusters has just published the 2nd edition of Mapster: the French cluster mapping.

Conceived as the key reference for all economic and innovation players both at national and international level interested in the French cluster community, Mapster 2018 list more than 400 French business and innovation clusters, clearly displayed by thematic sector, through a dedicated index, and by region, through a location map.

The first edition, published in 2017, was greatly appreciated by cluster stakeholders: Mapster was shared more than 20,000 times on Linkedin, ordered more than 1,000 times by our followers and more than 3,000 copies were distributed during national and international events, bilateral meetings and by mail, proving to be and excellent communication tool.

With respect to 2017, Mapster 2018 takes into account the merges occurred during the past year and more than 130 new references.

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