Get to know the speakers of the European Cluster Conference 2019!
The 6th European Cluster Conference will take place in less than a month at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest. This event offers a unique opportunity to discuss and engage interactively in trending topics related to cluster policy developments and initiatives at the European, national and regional level. High-level speakers from the European Commission, national ministries and the broader cluster community will present their experiences and share their views.
As a conference participant, you will hear the results of the different EU Cluster Weeks events that took place since November 2018. You will also have the opportunity to discuss with national and regional cluster representatives how to foster interregional collaboration and boost cluster initiatives. The conference will serve as a platform to exchange ideas on challenges and opportunities for future cluster policy development and industrial transformationin Europe with experts on circular Europe, digitalisation, skills, social impact and shared value.
The speakers’ portfolio for each session of the 2-day Cluster Conference is available on the Conference website. Check it out!
We are happy to announce that with over 450 registrations received, great interest was shown in the event since the online registration launch. With an expected attendance of 400 participants, the Conference has now accommodated an additional 50 spots for this year’s edition. Registrations are now closed.
We also would like to inform you the deadline for the Cluster Awards applications is extended until 30/04 (midnight). We are looking forward to receiving your application to the Cluster Awards and we thank the many applicants that already submitted their form.
See you soon at the Cluster Conference in Bucharest!