Great results achieved through ECCP cluster matchmaking events

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 03 September 2018

The ECCP team has conducted an assessment of the mid-term results achieved through the ten cluster matchmaking events supported by ECCP in 2016-2017. These events aimed to foster the cooperation and establishment of partnerships between European cluster organisations, as well as with third-country cluster-like organisations. The third-countries involved were Brazil, Iran, Mexico, Taiwan, Thailand and USA.

The events enabled European cluster organisations to gain knowledge on the opportunities and challenges of the different countries and to meet the key players of the respective markets that in most cases would not be possible by their own means. Through these events, the cluster organisations were given the opportunity to lay the foundations for building better international business networks, learn about new markets, increase their visibility, as well as sign cooperation agreements that serve as inspiration for their peers. The events also allowed the European cluster organisations to continue to foster their relationships with other European organisations. Most cooperation cases relate to knowledge sharing and information exchange, technology transfer and research and development. The benefits obtained by SMEs through the participation of their cluster organisations in the events are principally related to the access to new clients and/or distributors followed by participation in B2B events.

Here are a few key facts related to the events:

  • 220 European cluster organisations from 28 European countries participated
  • 143 participants from third countries participated
  • 2210 cluster meetings held
  • 202 cooperation cases achieved (including 53% with non-European organisations)
  • 27 formal agreements set

This is what participants say about the events:

“My cluster is active in the fields of Biomedicine, Biotechnology, e-Health and Ambient Assisted Living, so the cluster visits in Philadelphia, PA, which is a hub for life sciences, were of particular interest to me. It was very useful to understand the research and innovation landscape in the USA thanks to the presentations, meetings and visits, as it differs from the system we know from Europe. I am glad I can bring specific information home to my cluster’s member companies: indeed, I could already schedule a concrete appointment for one company that is visiting Boston next week with the group in charge of the Biomanufacturing Program at MIT, and with the Fraunhofer Centre for Manufacturing Innovation, two of the organisations met in Boston during our cluster visit.”  - Laura Cerni, Cluster Manager CBM SRL, Italy

"The cluster matchmaking event in the context of the 3rd EU-Taiwan Industry dialogue was my first experience in such an event, and it was my first time with Taiwanese clusters. It was a great opportunity to know better about the Taiwanese industrial environment. A very important thing was to have the opportunity to meet the Taiwanese research centres to collaborate on R&D projects, also through the tools available at the European Commission. Our next goal, as a cluster, is to organize a mission into Taiwan with our companies and the contacts created through this event will make it easier!" - Roberto Caminiti, Technical Advisor, Mesap Innovation Cluster, Italy

“The overall organization of the mission was excellent: I received comprehensive information before travelling to Iran. Tips on how to get a visa in Iran were much appreciated, the Iranian Embassy in Warsaw had been informed about the mission, and I could receive the Iranian visa within 40 minutes. Information on travel and accommodation were on time and complete. During our stay in Tehran, all organizational issues are transparent. As I represent Bioenergy for the Region Cluster and our activities are related to renewable energy and waste management, so from this point of view, the mission was very useful. We highly appreciate all seminar presentations, because they gave us opportunities to better understand the socio-economic situation in Iran and conditions for the perspectives of eventual cooperation with partners from Iran.” - Ewa Kochanska, Cluster manager at Bioenergy for the Region Cluster, Poland

Please see more detailed information in the attached report.

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Summary ECCP results 2016-2017.pdf 1.07 MB
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