High-level event of the Circular Plastics Alliance
On 11 December 2018 the European Commission announced the launch of the Circular Plastics Alliance, an alliance that gathers public and private stakeholders in the plastics value chains and has the purpose of improving the quality and economics of plastics recycling in Europe and ensuring the 10 million tonnes target is reached by 2025.
On 20 September 2019 in Brussels, the Circular Plastics Alliance will present and adopt its declaration. The declaration (also attached) will describe the alliance's vision for more recycled plastics in Europe, as well as their commitments for action to reach the EU target. Namely, that 10 million tonnes of recycled plastics find their way in products in the EU by 2025. All organisations, companies and public authorities willing to contribute to delivering the commitments of the alliance can co-sign the declaration.
Stakeholders can register for this event now. The draft programme of the high-level event is now available (attached).
The event was published on ec.europa.eu website here. © European Union, 1995-2019