INCluSilver: call for financial support to third parties

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 22 September 2017

INCluSilver, a 4.2 M EUR project financed through the H2020 INNOSUP-1-2016 call "Cluster facilitated projects for new value chains", aims at supporting the collaboration between actors belonging to the different sectors, to create the right conditions for generating and validating innovative ideas in the field of personal nutrition for the silver population that have a great potential to reach the market. The consortium consists of 7 clusters and 2 universities from 9 countries and 4 different sectors: agro-food, ICT, health, and creative industries.

On 22 September the project published a call for provision of financial support to third parties whereby 2.8 M € will be distributed. Through this call, INCluSilver will provide up to 60.000 € per SME through innovation vouchers (scalability andinternationalisation voucher, demonstration voucher, technology transfer voucher, economic feasibility analysis voucher), IPR vouchers and travel vouchers, to support innovative ideas. The innovative ideas should address one of the 7 challenges, identified by the project, related to personal nutrition for the silver population. In addition, the selected SMEs will benefit from additional innovation support services provided by the INCluSilver partners.

SMEs willing to apply to the call must be legally established in one of the INCluSilver member states: Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom. However in case of consortium, only the coordinator must be registered in one of the INCluSilver member states, the consortium partner(s) can be registered in any EU member states or H2020 associated countries.

Additional information on each type of vouchers (amount, eligibility criteria, deadlines for submitting applications, payment conditions, etc) and on the call in general can be found on the INCluSilver website.  

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