Innovalim wants to promote specialized entrepreneurship in the value chain of the food sector in accordance with innovation and technology.

Submitted by Judith Marti on 28 June 2023

  • This project will be carried out by the INNOVI Wine Cluster, Packaging Cluster and Foodservice Cluster.
  • Through this value proposition, it is intended to help the link between entrepreneurship and existing companies and, at the same time, to encourage intra-entrepreneurship within the business world through a program divided between theoretical and practical training and mentoring.

INNOVALIM - Innovation in Food Entrepreneurship - , framed within the Program to promote specialized territorial entrepreneurship (first pre-acceleration program), and is subsidized by the Department of Business and Work, with co-financing from the European Social Fund Plus (FSE+).

The purpose of the project is to promote entrepreneurship specialized in the value chain of the food sector in accordance with innovation and technology. Through this value proposition, it is intended to help the link between entrepreneurship and existing companies and, at the same time, to encourage intra-entrepreneurship within the business world through a program divided between theoretical and practical training and mentoring.

The theoretical training will consist of a training course, impact presentations, lectures on Agile innovation methodologies, research for funding, etc.; while the practical part will focus on open innovation through events that foster knowledge transfer bridges and collaboration.

The specific area of specialization of the presented project focuses on the entire value chain of the food sector. Within the same value chain of the food sector, the participation of people, teams, companies, associations, etc. is required. of a multidisciplinary nature that generate value, and take advantage of professional synergies to achieve viable and sustainable solutions, achieving, in this way, a strengthening and consolidation of all the members that make it up.

In the value chain there are different challenges that need to be answered. In terms of mobility, we can mention the reduction of the supply distance, the use of alternative energies such as hybrid engines, and electric ones in the future, or the optimization of both the load and the transport routes. In water management, the technologies that allow the recycling of water are key; while in packaging it is interesting to reduce their weight, manufacture them with recycled, biodegradable materials and opt for smart packaging that ensures conservation and avoids food waste.

In this sense, during distribution, 5% of food is lost, 39% during processing, 14% in catering and 42% in the home, it being necessary to valorize the by-products as ingredients for other products of this food industry, and, in general, that the entire value chain leaves behind the linear economy "produce, use and throw away", and adopt circular economy patterns.

In this way, due to the great need for improvement that currently exists in the entire value chain of the food sector, it is essential that entrepreneurs contribute new ideas and solutions that allow us to contribute towards sustainability and adaptation to the needs that required us the sector in the coming years, thus becoming a key sector full of new opportunities for new entrepreneurs.

Cluster organisation
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