INTERREG Alpine Space' third call for project proposals

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 19 April 2017

The third call for project proposals follows a two-step application procedure and is open to priorities 1 to 4 of the cooperation programme

The Alpine Space programme is a European transnational cooperation programme for the Alpine region. It provides a framework to facilitate the cooperation between economic, social and environmental key players in seven Alpine countries, as well as between various institutional levels such as: academia, administration, business and innovation sector, and policy making.

The programme is financed through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as well as through national public and private co-funding of the Partner States. In the current programming period, 2014–2020, the programme is investing €139 million in projects through which key actors develop shared solutions for prevalent Alpine issues. The ERDF co-financing rate is of 85% for partners from Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia. The thematic fields of cooperation are predefined for each programming period of seven years, during which several calls for project proposals are launched.

At the start of each programming period, the Partner States collaborate with regional stakeholders to produce a new set of founding documents, which are then submitted to the European Commission, for review and approval. 

Please find here the important documents for the call as well as the application link.

Indicative timeline call 3

Mid-April        Opening of the call: expression of interest (EoI) submission period

28.06.2017      2 P.M.: Deadline for the submission of EoI

12.10.2017      Meeting of the programme committee: selection of EoI. Start of step 2.

20.12.2017      2 P.M.: Deadline for the submission of application forms (AF)

20.04.2018      Meeting of the programme committee: decision on project approvals

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