Interreg MED - Third Call for modular projects

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 19 November 2018

Deadline: 31st January 2019 at noon (Paris time). 

The overall objective of the Interreg MED Programme is to promote sustainable growth in the Mediterranean area by fostering innovative concepts and practices (technologies, governance, innovative services…), reasonable use of resources (energy, water, maritime resources…) and supporting social integration through an integrated and territorially based cooperation approach. Under this aim, the Interreg MED Programme will support projects that will promote a more resourceefficient, competitive and greener economy in the Mediterranean area

The Interreg MED Programme 3rd call for modular projects opened on 30th October 2018. This call is targeted to the programme priority axes 1 (only sub-objective “Blue Growth”) and 3 and only to the following type of projects: Multi-module M2 Testing + M3 Capitalising.

The Priority Axis 1 - Innovation- aims to strengthen innovation capacities of public and private actors of Mediterranean regions and support smart and sustainable growth. It grants a specific attention to blue and green growth, cultural and creative industries, and social innovation that represent strong development and jobs potential in Mediterranean regions. It underlines the need to strengthen innovation clusters, economic sectors, value chains and networks throughout MED regions.

The specific objective of the current call is oriented towards improving innovation capacities of public and private actors involved in the blue growth sectors(marine energies, maritime safety and security, aquaculture and fishing, marine biotechnology, coastal and maritime tourism),through stronger transnational cooperation and better connections between actors of the quadruple helix (research bodies, businesses, public authorities, civil society). The successful projects should contribute, directly or indirectly to the achievement of the result indicator of the specific objective 1 of the Interreg MED Programme, in particular: share of innovative clusters (i.e. including RDI activities) offering to their members a consolidated mix of services involved in transnational activities concerning key sectors of the MED area.

The indicative ERDF allocation for this call is 30M€ (8M€ for priority axis 1 and 22M€ for priority axis 3), with the final allocation subject to further decisions of the Interreg MED Programme Steering Committee, while the indicative IPA allocation  is 2M€ (breakdown between Axis 1 and 3 to be made on the basis of the quality of the proposals submitted).

Based on the module approach, different types of projects are possible within the Interreg MED Programme, single modules or multi-modules. The present call for proposals is open only to multi-modular M2 + M3 “Testing and Capitalising” type of projects concretely focusing on Blue Growth: 

  • M2 - TESTING: Pilot demonstration and transfer actions

The “Testing” module should promote a large-scale application / replication of existing tools or solutions

  • M3 - CAPITALISING: Transfer, dissemination and capitalisation:

The “Capitalising” module should see its types of activities reinforced in order to ensure a level of capitalisation compatible with the Programme's strategy and will have to take into account outputs of finalised MED projects

On 28th November, the Interreg MED Programme is holding a seminar for candidates interested in applying for the 3rd call for proposals.

Please find more details on the call as well as all the call documents here.

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