INTERREG SUDOE Second Call for Proposal
The Second Call for Proposals for the 2014-2020 period is open for two thematic priorities of the Programme with an ERDF Budget of € 25 million, distributed as follows:
Priority axis 1: Research and innovation - EUR 16 million
Beneficiaries: Universities, research centres, technological centres, science and technology parks, clusters and other business associations, SMEs and governmental and regional institutions related to R&D+i.
Priority axis 5: Environment and resource efficiency - EUR 9 million
Beneficiaries: Public bodies and economic actors specialized in tourism, environmental sector, improvement of local and regional development, agricultural trade associations and livestock breeders, chambers of commerce, industry and navigation.
Please find more informatin on the call, timetable, documents needed for application here.
The Interreg Sudoe Programme supports regional development in Southwest Europe financing transnational projects through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The Programme promotes transnational cooperation to solve common problems in Southwest Europe, such as low investment in research and development, weak competitiveness of the small and medium-sized enterprises and exposure to climate change and environmental risks.
Friday, 31 March, 2017