IPR SME Helpdesks webinar: 10 Basic IP Tips to Succeed Abroad
Webinar date: 3 March 2020, 10:30 AM Brussels time
The International IPR SME Helpdesks are organising a joint webinar on the 10 basic Intellectual Property tips to succeed abroad.
The webinar is hosted in partnership with CUBE IN, INNOWWIDE and ENRICH - three initiatives assisting European companies in their internationalisation strategy. The live session will start with an overview of these projects in support of EU SMEs and will continue with a presentation by IP specialists Patrice Vidon (China and South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesk) and César Elvira (Latin America IPR SME Helpdesk), who will provide practical information on the main steps to protect your Intellectual Property when doing business with international partners.
10.30 Introduction to the webinar and services of IPR Helpdesks - Leonardo Mosca, China IPR SME Helpdesk
10.35 European SME Initiatives: ENRICH, CUBE IN and INNOWWIDE - Vasco Barros and Mariana Marques, SPI
10.55 IPR Protection in Foreign Markets: China, South-east Asia and Latin America - IP experts (Patrice Vidon and César Elvira)
11.15 10 Basic IP Tips to Succeed Abroad - IP experts (Patrice Vidon and César Elvira)
11.35 Q&A
Register for the free live session at this link.
The event was published on china-iprhelpdesk.eu website here. © 2018 - European Commission
The China IPR SME Helpdesk provides free information, first-line advice and training to SMEs to protect and enforce their IPR in China. The Helpdesk’s services are free to European SMEs and SME intermediaries (including EU embassies) and include training events in China and Europe; online tools and materials at http://www.ipr-hub.eu and tailored advice from our experts by phone, Email or through the website.
Disclaimer: The China IPR SME Helpdesk is a free service which provides practical, objective and factual information aimed to help European SMEs to understand business tools for developing IPR value and managing risk. The services are not of a legal or advisory nature and no responsibility is accepted for the results of any actions made on the basis of its services. Before taking specific actions in relation to IPR protection or enforcement all customers are advised to seek independent advice.