Join euWater4i-SD trade mission to Peru and Colombia in June 2024!

Submitted by Louise Gubanski on 19 February 2024

Trade mission to Peru and Colombia

euWater4i-SD is pleased to invite all European SMEs in water and water-related sectors to join for its trade mission to Peru and Colombia from June 3rd to 7th 2024.

The mission is planned in two parts: one for each target country. Companies can decide to participate in only part of the mission or in the whole mission. In other words, Peru and/or Colombia.

The mission to Peru will take place in Lima, where a number of meetings with waterrelated institutions will be organised for the participiating companies. Please note that the trade fair Expo Agua Peru will take place in Arequipa the week before the mission, from May 29th to 31rst. euWater4i-SD will not be covering it, but companies are free to come earlier to attend.

The mission to Colombia will take place in Cartagena de Indias where we will attend the 67th ACODAL Water, Waste and Energy International Congress & Exhibition. It will be the opportunity for companies to arrange B2B meetings with the South American key water stakeholders.

We offer our financial support to European SMEs by covering up to €3,000 per company for their travel expenses - €1,500 if you travel to only one country. Make sure to register early to benefit from the support.

Download the brochure of the trade mission below and register on this link until the 26th of April:

For any question please contact Louise Gubanski,, +49 6782 17-1935.

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