Joint CoR-EC conference seeking to explore and exchange progress regarding Smart Specialisation

Submitted by ECCP Team on 11 January 2016

Agenda includes a Workshop session on the interactions between clusters and science parks. Brussels 26th January 2016

The ECCP team has participated in developing one of the workshops that will take place during this conference organised jointly by CoR-EC.  The main aim  of the event is to update and exchange knowledge and experience concerning the effectiveness and efficiency of supporting innovative entrepreneurship at territorial levels in the context of implementation of smart specialisation strategies. This would include exploring and discussing intra-regional governance issues of successful European Innovation Ecosystem as well as the quality and effectiveness of business support service providers such as clusters.

Targeted Participants

Representatives from national/regional authorities and practitioners from business and innovation support institutions organized in non-governmental networks such as EBN (gathering Incubators & Business & Innovation Centres, EU-BICs), IASP (gathering Science and Technology Parks, and Areas of Innovation), the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (gathering clusters), ERRIN & EURADA (gathering development agencies and Innovative regions), EARTO (gathering research & technology organizations, RTOS) and other innovation actors.

Please follow this link to register.

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