KET4CleanProduction Project: Open call for micro grants
Deadline for application: 29th April 2020, 17:00 CET
The EU-funded project KET4CleanProduction (KET4CP) sets its strategic objectives on helping SMEs to solve their clean production challenges and - as a result - to stay sustainable, innovative and competitive. By encouraging the use of advanced manufacturing technologies and related key enabling technologies (KETs) their production processes suppose to upgrade towards a more energy- and material- efficient state.
To achieve this, the project aims to create an open innovation ecosystem with a one-stop access platform for cross-border innovation services for manufacturing SMEs through a network of superior ”KETs Technology Centres” (KET TCs) and Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) partners. This will be achieved by facilitating SMEs connectivity to KET TCs through joint project proposals for micro grants.
After a pilot phase with a number of such joint project proposals the plan is to scale up the network adding more KET TCs as well as EEN members. The final aim, by the year 2020, is to create a self-sustainable ecosystem gathering technology infrastructure, SME users and suppliers of innovative advanced manufacturing technologies: a one-stop-shop acting as single access point for manufacturing SMEs across Europe.
Under this open call Micro Grants are offered for transnational cooperation projects between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and minimum 2 KET technology centres (KET TCs), which aim to integrate key enabling technologies (KET) to solve clean production challenges. Focus is on upgrading production processes.
- Total EU funding available for third parties: EUR 2.000.000
- Maximum amount of financial support for each third party: EUR 50.000 (provided as lump sum).
- Eligible countries: EU member states and H2020 associated countries. See Map.
Please find detailed information in the Guide for Applicants and the registration link available here.
The call was published on website here. © 2018 KET4CleanProduction