LIFE 2019 call for project proposals
The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action created in 1992. The current funding period 2014-2020 has a budget of €3.4 billion. The LIFE programme is divided into two sub-programmes, one for environment (representing 75% of the overall financial envelope) and one for climate action (representing 25% of the envelope).
2019 call for proposals is open starting the 4th of April, for the
- Environment sub-programme
Environment and resource efficiency traditional projects , co-financing rate of 60% - deadline for submitting a concept note: 17 June 2019, 16:00 CET
Nature and biodiversity traditional projects, co-financing rate of 56% - deadline for submitting a concept note: 19 June 2019, 16:00 CET
Environmental governance and information traditional projects, co-financing rate of 55% - deadline for submitting a concept note: 19 June 2019, 16:00 CET
Integrated projects under the sub-programme for Environment, co-financing rate of 60% - deadline for submitting a concept note: 5 September 2019
for Technical Assistance Projects under the sub-programme for Environment and Preparatory Projects - dates to be announced
Climate action sub-programme
Climate change mitigation traditional projects, co-financing rate of 55%- deadline for submitting the full proposal: 12 September 2019
Climate change adaptation traditional projects, co-financing rate of 55%- deadline for submitting the full proposal: 12 September 2019
Climate governance and information traditional projects, co-financing rate of 55% - deadline for submitting the full proposal: 12 September 2019
Integrated projects under the sub-programme for Climate Action, co-financing rate of 60% - deadline for submitting a concept note: 5 September 2019
for Technical Assistance Projects under the sub-programme for Climate Action call opens soon (April 2019)
- Operating grants for NGOs
Call for Proposals for Operating Grants to support Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in view of concluding Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) and Specific Grant Agreements (SGAs) - call opened 14 March 2019 with the deadline for submitting FPA proposals: 3 June 2019
Please find more details on eligibility, application process and documents here.
Published on © European Union, 1995-2019