Low Carbon Business Action (LCBA) Mexico - Year 1 achievements
The Low Carbon and Circular Economy Business Action in the Americas is an EU funded initiative that aims to facilitate the commercialisation of green low-carbon technologies of European small and medium-sized enterprises and companies in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.
The support of stakeholders from the EU and the six target markets such as embassies and chambers of commerce, clusters, environmental, industry and trade organisations, has proven paramount in driving impact for this Action.
They are still growing their database of EU SMEs. Thus, are encouraging you to invite relevant EU Cleantech companies in your network to sign up to the LCBA platform most relevant to them: Canada, LATAM and/or Mexico. The LCBA teams are available for a dedicated call with your organisation at your best availability to explore additional collaboration opportunities; contact details are below.
Key reasons to join the LCBA
- Join a community of +900 innovative EU SMEs, +1000 corporations in the Americas interested in adopting EU Cleantech solutions and +500 stakeholders and business support organisations.
- Register to their integrated online platforms to meet with companies and organisations relevant to you, access market and sector intelligence and dedicated online events.
- Explore collaboration opportunities with the LCBA for your communication activities and events.
- Support companies in developing joint business concepts and applying for tailored technical assistance to accelerate commercialisation on relevant topics such as project finance, feasibility analysis, and legal advice, among others.
Get in touch!
Email: mexico [at] lowcarbonbusinessaction.eu (mexico[at]lowcarbonbusinessaction[dot]eu)
Website: https://low-carbon-business-action-mexico.converve.io/