The main organisations of the Chilean electric sector learn about REINA PLUS first hand
From 13th to 17th of March, the REINA PLUS ESCP took a small business mission to Chile with the purpose of organising a bigger business mission (with more companies) in June. There the clusters held meetings with the main Chilean companies and public bodies in the field of smart grids.
As one of the activities promoting internationalisation within the REINA PLUS project, funded by the European Union, Marcos Suárez, Project Manager of the Basque Energy Cluster, conducted an exploratory mission to Chile to present the potential of REINA PLUS ESCP value chain to the main Chilean entities related to smart grids. These activities were carried out in coordination with IDOM, a consultancy firm represented by Antonio Lázaro, manager of a sectoral internationalisation promotion project funded by the Bizkaia Provincial Council.
More specifically, meetings were held with directors and top management of the four main electricity distributors of the country (SAESA, CHILQUINTA, CGE and ENEL), and with the leading regulatory public institutions (Ministry of Energy, National Energy Commission and Superintendence of Electricity and Fuel), the trade associations of electricity distributors and generators (EMPRESAS ELÉCTRICAS and GENERADORAS DE CHILE), and some intensive electricity users (ENAP, ANTOFAGASTA MINERALS).
The focus of the meetings was mainly to show the potential of REINA PLUS ESCP companies based on the success story that the Bidelek Sareak and other projects in each region represent. The reception was very positive in all cases; the business mission is expected to have high interest and a reverse mission will possibly be scheduled so Chilean companies can learn first hand about the project and the facilities in REINA PLUS ESCP's regions.