MarTERA- Transnational Call for Research & Innovation Projects in Maritime and Marine Technologies
MarTERA launched a joint call for transnational research and innovation projects on different thematic priority areas. This call is initiated by ministries/funding organisations from 11 countries:Belarus, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Malta, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey .
The transnational call has a budget of about 15 Mio € for collaborative research and innovation projects in the following areas:
- Priority Area 1: Environmentally friendly maritime technologies
- Priority Area 2: Development of novel materials and structures
- Priority Area 3: Sensors, automation, monitoring and observations
- Priority Area 4: Advanced manufacturing and production
- Priority Area 5: Safety and security
Applicants from the above mentioned countries are eligible for funding and applicants from other countries are eligible in case they fund their own involvement.
MarTERA will implement the Call 2019 as a two-step procedure (a pre-proposal and a full-proposal step). Step 1 deadline for submission of pre-proposals is 29th March 2019. Further detailed information are available in the Call Announcement.
Published on MarTERA website on 30/11/2018