Massive Open Online Course on Smart Specialisation Strategies
MOOC is delighted to announce the second Massive Open Online Course on Smart Specialisation Strategies starting 15 January 2018.
WHY. The concept of smart specialisation strategy has had an immense impact in Europe and beyond after the European Council’s decision to adopt smart specialisation as an essential principle of European regional policies. Even though the general principles are well known in Europe by now, the actual implementation and monitoring processes of Smart Specialisation Strategies remain rather uncommon in the applied fields. Yet we are convinced that this approach has great potential – even beyond Europe: especially in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia – to assist policymakers, experts and public agencies in structuring their policy and development programmes.
WHAT. The course offers an overview of the concept and methods allowing the design and application of a smart specialisation strategy on the regional (or national) scale. Furthermore, the course intends to motivate its participants to take action and develop a smart specialisation strategy for their respective regions. It combines formal presentations, many case studies carried out in the field, as well as first-hand accounts.
FOR WHOM. It is especially intended for public policymakers on the regional, national and international levels and also for those responsible for development policies. Furthermore, it addresses experts and analysts who develop consulting services in this domain or work in international organisations, as well as Master and PhD students and researchers in the fields of economics of innovation, technology policy and regional studies.
BY WHOM. The course is directed and supervised by Dominique Foray and Martin Eichler. D. Foray is the creator of the concept and has been deeply involved in European smart specialisation policy between 2009 and 2013. M. Eichler is the chief economist at BAK Economics, an expert in regional economic analysis and an experienced consultant to many regions in terms of regional benchmarking and economic assessment.
HOW. The MOOC will last from January 15 to beginning of April, 2018. Its participation is priced at € 350. However, if you register through our partners, you will get a price reduction of € 100.
For more details don’t hesitate to contact Larissa Rihm (info [at] (info[at]smartspecialisation[dot]ch)) or visit MOOC homepage .
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