The MEÆTPACK project aims to produce a sustainable packaging study for the meat and alternative protein sector
The MeætPack project is a collaborative effort between the INNOVACC Cluster and the Packaging Cluster to produce a sector study of meat and alternative protein packaging in the context of the Circular Economy and Ecodesign, with the support of inedit by to develop the research and content of the project result: the sectoral guide. The study will comprehensively evaluate and analyze the different packaging solutions for meat and alternative protein products present on the market from the point of view of sustainability, considering both the environmental impact of the packaging itself and the reduction of waste alimentary Market trends, the barriers and opportunities it offers, and practical cases will also be studied. The target audience of the resulting guide are the companies that are part of the value chain of these products, including manufacturers of packaging and the components necessary for this manufacture (raw materials, inks, adhesives, coatings. ..), packers, distributors, companies producing meat and alternative protein products, and also recyclers. In this way, with the MeætPack project, we want to support the sector to adapt packaging to new legislation, such as European Directive 2019/904 regarding single-use plastics, Law 7/2022 on waste and contaminated soil for a circular economy, Royal Decree 1055/2022, of 27 December, on Packaging and Packaging Waste, as well as the future waste law in Catalonia. The project, in addition to generating a guide, will carry out multi-agent and multi-company sessions that will allow communication between them to be able to generate business opportunities, synergies and collaborative economy with the aim of implementing the eco-design and the circular economy in packaging, contributing to minimizing the use of resources and encouraging reuse and recyclability in order to reduce waste. The MeætPack decalogue will also take into account the principles of the hierarchy marked by the Law on Waste and Contaminated Soils which orders prevention, reuse, recyclability, material valorization and, finally, the energy valorization of this. MeætPack is an implementation project in the market of new products or services financed with the support of the Agència de Residus de Catalunya within the call for subsidies for projects promoting the circular economy 2022. Related news