Memorandum of Understanding on cluster cooperation signed with Chile

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 08 December 2013

Eurochile to strengthen cooperation with Europe through clusters

Mr. Jean-Noël Durvy signed a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) with Eurochile in order to strengthen cooperation in promoting business and technological research, and promote the internationalization of small and medium enterprises through clusters across Europe and Chile.

he European Cluster Collaboration Platform is an initiative of the European Commission (DG Enterprise and Industry) which shows the importance that Chile and the European Union give to cluster development as growth engines for SMEs in both areas, recognizing its capacity to strengthen industrial cooperation and the internationalization of its SME members.

Regarding this agreement, the Director General of the DG Enterprise and Industry, Daniel Calleja, said: "This agreement is an example of a concrete measure to implement one of the Memoranda of Understanding signed between the EU and Chile in 2011 - the industry cooperation agreement- that will support closer cooperation between clusters from Europe and Chile. I am convinced that the promotion of exchanges between clusters is crucial for advancing our EU-Chile industrial cooperation agenda".

Eurochile is committed to this type of long-term partnerships as a means to enhance its capacity to work with clusters. In November, the foundation signed another MoU with the Consortium "Feeding the Planet" formed by three European cluster organisations: Foundation Parco Tecnologico Padano (Lombardy, Italy), Agropolis International (Montpellier, France), and Oost NV (Netherlands). The objective of this Agreement is to develop business opportunities and partnerships in the agro-food and biotechnology sector, to the benefit of innovative and technology-based firms, and innovative food companies located in Chile and in the three clusters' Regions.

More information on

The Memorandum of Undersanding can be accessed here.

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