Memorandum of Understanding extended with Brazil!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 06 December 2013

Building upon the Clusters Cooperation Agenda (CCA) signed by the Permanent Work Group on Local Productive Systems (GTP-APL) and the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) on May 18, 2011 in Ouro Preto, both partners have decided to reinforce their links and their relationships. On december 6, 2013, the extansion of the first MoU was signed by Ms. Heloisa Menezes, Secretary Production Development, Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), and Mr. Jean-Noel DURVY, Director, Fondation Sophia Antipolis and representative of the European Cluster Collaboration platform. The Conference was held from December 3 to 6, in Brasilia (Brazil).

Among the main actions, the ECCP will aactively promote the GTP-APL of MDIC in Europe at different conferences, local events and meetings with local authorities, cluster managers and cluster firms as an instrument for initiating contacts and identifying opportunities for cooperation with Brazilian cluster partners. The objective is to Encourage and facilitate the partnering between cluster organisations and cluster firms, in particular SMEs, from Brazil and Europe, through the provision of information, facilitation of contacts and/or the organization of international cluster missions (outgoing and incoming missions), whenever appropriate, offering matchmaking opportunities in strategic areas of mutual interest.

The main beneficiaries of this agreement are the SMEs cooperating in clusters and supported by their cluster organisations located in Brazil and Europe. The new agreement should facilitate the development of strategic business alliances and joint innovation projects in fields of strategic mutual interest.


The Permanent Work Group on Local Productive Systems (GTP-APL), coordinated by the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), is in charge of propose policies, programs and actions to development of the productive systems and local productive arrangements, with emphasis in the industrial sector in Brazil.

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) is an initiative supported by Directorate General of Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme. The ECCP aims to facilitate cooperation between cluster organisations and cluster firms across Europe and beyond with a view to intensify SME internationalisation through clusters and develop more competitive clusters in Europe.

For more informaiton, please contact:

Communication sociale MDIC

(61) 2027-7190 et 2027-7198

Juliana Ribeiro

European Cluster Collaboration Platform

Florian Plocek

You can download the MoU here.

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