MobiGoIn: SMEs Internationalisation Survey

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 04 May 2016

The European Strategic Cluster Partnership Go International "Mobility Goes International" (MobiGoIn) works for European companies (specially SMEs) that develop solutions in the Smart Mobility field, setting common grounds and strategies to allow a better and broader approach to the international market.

MobiGoIn has created a SURVEY ( to gather important and relevant information from SMEs regarding the internationalisation interest, competences and experiences. The data will help establishing a baseline to enable the cluster identify and define the best services to support SMEs in their internationalisation processes.

We invite all European SMEs to participate in MobiGoIn's SURVEY and contribute to the shaping of MobiGoIn's Internationalisation Strategy by sharing with us an insight to the competences, experience, internationalisation work and future plans! Deadline: 15th May 2016.

The provided information will be used exclusively by the MobiGoIn consortium for the purposes of the project, maintaining the privacy of the data. A summary of the analysis of the collected data  will be published on MobiGoIn's blog in October 2016. 

Joining MobiGoIn's network opens opportunities for both SMEs and Clusters:

  • For Smart Mobility SMEs: to contribute in the shaping of MobiGoIn's Internationalisation Strategy by sharing with us an insight to the competences, experience, internationalisation work and the new markets of interest. Furthermore, the companies' input will be taken into consideration when defining the operational plan (target countries, support services and internationalisation actions) to increase competitiveness of SMEs when approaching the global market.
  • For Clusters: to follow MobiGoIn's activities and be a potential member of the meta-cluster that will work to meet Smart Mobility future challenges by offering added value services to SMEs (collaborative R&D projects, business opportunities, communication and training) and support them in their path beyond Europe.

For more information please visit: ESCP-4i MobiGoIn profile, and write to info [at] (info[at]mobigoin[dot]eu)

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