New call for Regional Innovation Strategies in the USA
The U.S Economic Development Administration has launched in 2014 the Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) Programme. 180 projects have received funds since its beginning, and a $23 million is expected for this year. Each year, awardees are given the possibility to leverage regional assets and build robust innovation economies through with the substantive help of this programme.
The RIS programme has been implemented to support economic development efforts in the American territory. Providing a financial assistance to communities, it encourages economic development, innovation and entrepreneurship through two key programmes: the i6 Challenge grant programme, which supports promising ideas around technology commercialisation and entrepreneurship, and the Seed Fund Support program, which seeks to fill gaps in early stage capital for startups.
Coordinated by the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, these grants aim to spur jobs at the regional level.
The information is provided by SSTI, which leads 11 tech-based economic development-focused organisations and which always seek to strengthen initiatives to create a better future through science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.