A new initiative to support business and professional associations in Azerbaijan
KOBIA - the mission of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Azerbaijan have launched a new initiative to support business associations, aimed at developing a partnership between the state, private and civil society on joint socio-economic goals. As part of the initiative, USAID will provide financial support to a number of businesses, public associations and NGOs, evaluating projects to be presented to strengthen associations. In this context, the establishment of a consortium between business entities, public associations, business associations and NGOs will also be encouraged.
The initative was launched at the summit “Supporting Business and Professional Associations in Azerbaijan” held in Baku on February 18 with the participation of government agencies, international organizations, business associations and civil society institutions.
Please find more details in the article published here on the website of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SMED).
© Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan