Next Biotech Cluster/SME Support Mission to Japan for EU Clusters and SMEs
Mission dates: 10 - 14 October 2016 / Applications deadline: 09 June 2016
The mission is composed of lectures, visits to Japanese R&D Centres and companies and cluster to cluster/B-to-B meetings organised on the “Bio Japan Expo" premises.
The mission is targeted at Clusters and SMEs operating in the Healthcare/Biotech sectors and among other the ones covered by "Bio Japan Expo" such as:
- Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices
- Drug and Drug Discovery (Small-Molecule Drug, Biologics, Vaccine etc.)
- Medical Treatment, Diagnosis
- Bioinformatics and Bio imaging etc.
For the costs the EU-Japan Centre will cover:
- Tuition fees
- Transfers during group company visits and to/from Yokohama
- “BioJapan” registration fee including access to the exhibition & annex hall
- “BioJapan” access to the partnering area and the partnering system
- “BioJapan” trade fair booth arrangements
- Interpretation
- Lunch for 3 days, welcome reception and closing cocktail
-> A grant of EUR 600 is available for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, as well as for cluster organisations profiled on the ECCP
The mission is managed by the EU-Japan Centre and funded by the European Commission (DG GROW)
More info on:
For any other queries and application process, feel free to contact Diane Lula: d.lula [at] (d[dot]lula[at]eu-japan[dot]eu)