Next Generation EU: European funds for digital and ecological transformation webinar

Submitted by Imogen Allan on 29 January 2021

The Next Generation EU plan will promote projects that involve structural change and have a lasting impact on economic and social resilience, sustainability and long-term competitiveness.

A webinar on 19 Feb (12:00 CET), organised by ACCIÓ and the 29 clusters of the Catalonia Clusters Program, will help participants to find out how they can take advantage of European funds from the Next Generation EU plan.

Catalan companies will benefit from projects that fit the themes of the recovery plan, such as:

- transformation and resilience of the Spanish government’s urban and rural agenda

- the fight against depopulation

- development of agriculture

- resilient infrastructures and ecosystems

- a fair and inclusive energy transition

- administration for the 21st century

- modernisation and digitalisation of the business ecosystem

- National Pact for Science and Innovation and Strengthening the National Health System

- education, knowledge, lifelong learning and capacity building

- new care economy and employment policies

- development of culture and sport

- modernisation of the tax system

This call represents an opportunity for companies in the Catalonia Clusters Program that promote competitive and collaborative projects. 

Find out more and register for the webinar here.

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