Next Generation Manufacturing Canada: Supercluster Update
After two years of operations already, the Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen) - the organisation leading Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster - presents an overview of their activities, projects and successes in an article posted on NGen's website by Jayson Myers.
In this article you will find out about the membership expansion from the hundred founding members of the Supercluster to a membership of more than 1,500 from across Canada as well as about the open call for project proposals launched a year ago with currently eleven ongoing projects and more than 100 in pipeline. The projects approved so far involve 33 partners from across Canada, mostly small and medium-sized manufacturing and technology companies, with all but one led by SMEs.
NGen is committed to supporting smaller companies adopt and scale-up advanced manufacturing technologies by partnering with leading public and private sector organizations that offer support through technology development and training, business services, networking, and funding.
Tackling the challenges faced by SMEs in sourcing the people or the expertise they need to compete and grow, NGen focuses on finding new collaborative ways for manufacturers, technology companies, schools, research centres, supporting business and financial services, and business networks to work together. NGen will support new industry-led initiatives to enhance workforce education and training, de-risk technology investment decisions for smaller companies, and help equip manufacturers with the tools they need to reconsider their business strategies, increase throughput and improve processes, understand what’s needed for the successful deployment of advanced technologies, and identify partners with capabilities that can help them compete and grow.
Find out more on the Supercluster's activities and ambitions in the article published here. Copyright © 2020