The Next Society Organises the 2nd TechDay of the Cluster Booster Track!

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 13 November 2019

Following the success of the 1st edition organised with the European Commission through the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), with the support of StartUp Morocco and ANIMA Investment Network, THE NEXT SOCIETY is recruiting EU cluster managers to meet their MENA counterparts during the 2nd TechDay.

What is a TechDay?

TechDays are 2-day events taking place in MENA countries that encourage inter-cluster collaboration between Algerian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Palestinian, Tunisian and their EU counterparts in order to bring about roadmaps for future collaborations. Participants present their strategies and portfolio of business & cooperation opportunities.

Where & when does the next TechDay take place?

29-30 January in Tunis, Tunisia

Why should I participate?

The event will represent a unique opportunity for representatives of European cluster organisations interested in cluster collaboration with MENA countries and particularly Tunisia, to explore possible common areas of interest for cooperation and complementarities, in terms of sectoral, value chain, and market focus of their SMEs and other companies. Letters of Intent, Memoranda of Understanding and other types of partnership agreements are expected to be explored with roadmaps on how to initiate and sustain the collaborations.

This TechDay logically focuses more on the Tunisian market so it is of interest for those who see potential business opportunities in this country.

THE NEXT SOCIETY has budget to cover the expenses of 20 EU cluster managers (flight, accommodation and meals)

A glimpse at the programme:

  • 29 January: THE NEXT SOCIETY TechDay: Presentations of the delegations of clusters and their strategies and portfolio of business/ cooperation opportunities; networking session: B2B between EU and MENA clusters
  • 30 January: Tunisian Technoparks Forum, Collaborative R&I : networking event 2020. Pitching sessions of R&I project ideas (open call to collect ideas/R&I projects at Tunisian, Mediterranean and European levels held by SMEs, researchers and clusters); targeted technical presentations (management of R&I projects, R&I projects financing, Tunisian Technoparks services); Networking

What are the targeted sectors?

All sectors with a specific focus on:

  • ICT
  • Environment and circular economy
  • Energy
  • Nanotechnologies
  • Textile materials
  • Industry 4.0
  • Agrofood industries
  • Biotechnology

I am interested, what can I do?

Please fill out this form to confirm your interest before Nov 29, 2019.

Third Country
Morocco Tunisia Other Countries in Africa Central Asia and Middle East
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