Oxford Research’s and Quercus Group’s International Cluster Course 2016
3rd to 4th of November 2016 in Copenhagen – Denmark
Oxford Research’s & Quercus Group’s cluster development workshop is the essential cluster course for cluster facilitators and policy makers with interest in developing strong and innovative clusters. Regardless of their different points of departure, after completing the course the participants will be able to work with clusters in practice and to launch and develop innovative cluster initiatives.
Oxford Research’s ”Ten Steps to Cluster Dynamics’ will be the framework for the programme. The course will be an interactive process where discussion and group work will take point of departure in participants own clusters and cluster initiatives.
The course will review:
• Theoretical and practical knowledge about clusters and cluster development
• Cluster cycles: Comprehensive understanding of clusters’ and cluster initiatives different development stages
• Understanding of different cluster policies and approaches
• Management and facilitation of clusters and network: Practical tools and methods for cluster development
• Strategic development and action plans in relation to participants’ own clusters
• Challenges for cluster and network facilitators: Pitfalls and criteria for success
• Evaluation and monitoring of clusters and cluster initiatives
• Insight into international good practice
Please see details on programme and registration in the presentation attached.